Custom filtering pipeline steps

The custom-filter-map and custom-filter custom-filtering pipeline steps are applied at DITA map level and DITA topic levels, respectively. They apply a predefined XSL-T custom-filter.

Note: The custom-filter-map step must appear before the debug-filter-map step. The custom-filter step must appear before the debug-filter step.
Here is the custom-filter-map pipeline step.
<p:xslt name="custom-filter-map">
  <p:input port="stylesheet">
    <p:document href="cpnz:dita:custom:xsl:filter.xsl" />
  <p:with-param name="debug" select="$debug" />
Here is the custom-filter pipeline step.
<p:for-each name="for-each-custom-filter">

  <p:xslt name="custom-filter">
    <p:input port="stylesheet">
      <p:document href="cpnz:dita:custom:xsl:filter.xsl" />
    <p:with-param name="debug" select="$debug" />

  <p:store name="store-custom-filter" />
