URI schemes in Componize

In the Componize framework, resources like documents, spaces in Alfresco, or even pipeline definitions are all referred to using URIs. Several URI schemes allow to handle these resources specifically.

Use this scheme ... to ...
alfresco retrieve and write documents from the Alfresco repository using a path. e.g. alfresco:/User%20Homes/John%20Smith/My%20Document.doc
classpath retrieve and write content from the application classpath. This includes resources from the WAR file, the libraries (JAR files) as well as the shared resources from the shared/classes folder in Tomcat.
file retrieve and write content over the local filesystem
ftp retrieve and write content over a remote server using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
http retrieve content over a remote server using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
workspace retrieve and write content of nodes from the default store in an Alfresco repository. Support for additional stores such as the archive may be enabled through configuration settings. e.g. workspace://SpacesStore/9ee1ff88-b9b3-4c10-bf9b-4da264c38768
xmldb retrieve and write content to an XML database providing an XML:DB API.