Installing Alfresco using the setup wizard

Use the setup wizard to install Alfresco.

Please refer to the Alfresco Administrator Guide whilst performing this task.

  1. Download the *.exe appropriate for your system type from the Alfresco Community Edition 201707 GA file list:
  2. Double click the *.exe file.
    1. Select Englishas the installation language.
    2. Select the install type Easy.
    3. Select the installation folder on your local disk.
    4. Choose the admin password.
    5. Click Finish.
      The installation starts. It will take several minutes to complete.
  3. Un-check the options (open Readme File, Start Alfresco Enterprise Share, See Next Steps) and click Finish.
  4. Once the installation wizard has closed:
    1. Use the alfresco manager tool in Start/Programs/Alfresco Enterprise/Alfresco Manager Tool.
      The Alfresco Community window opens - all servers are stopped by default.
    2. Start Tomcat and PostgreSQL servers.
      This deploys the web apps and can take several minutes.
    3. Check a log file has been created at tomcat/logs/catalina-<date>.log.
    4. Make sure there is no error in the log file and the Web applications have started:
      INFO: Server startup in <xxxxxx> ms
    5. Start a Web browser and go to: localhost:8080/share
    6. Login with your admin credentials.
Alfresco is installed on your server.