Lab 15 - Configure a preview transformer

During the lab, you will override the existing Pipeline Transformers beans on top of a new Pipeline Definition, in order to use your custom DITA OT PDF output when Alfresco generates previews.

  1. In your project, locate the src/main/resources/META-INF folder. This folder let you override some existing Spring framework beans for existing modules. You will override some beans of the componize-dita module.
  2. Open the context.xml file in your favorite editor.
  3. Create a new DITA OT Pipeline Definition bean.
  4. Add the following properties to the DITA OT Pipeline Definition bean as required. You will want to add the transtype option in order to use your custom PDF plugin:
    Property Type Mandatory Description
    resultMediaType MediaType Required The MediaType of the result document that will be generated by this pipeline. E.g. text/xml, application/pdf...
    options Map <QName,String> Optional The default options with default values for the pipeline. These options will be passed directly to the XProc pipeline. Use a fully-qualified name with Clark notation as the key of the entry.
    <bean id="ditaot.pipelineDefinition.pdf-custom" parent="ditaot.pipelineDefinition.abstract">
      <property name="resultMediaType" ref="pdf.mediaType" />
      <property name="options">
          <entry key="transtype" value="custom-pdf" />
  5. Override the existing Pipeline Transformer beans for DITA topic and maps to point to your custom pipeline definition. Those beans id are dita.transformer.pipeline.map2pdf2 and dita.transformer.pipeline.topic2pdf2
    Property Type Mandatory Description
    pipelineDefinition PipelineDefinition Required The pipeline definition to execute for the transformation
    mediaType MediaType Required The MediaType of the result document that will be generated by this pipeline. E.g. text/xml, application/pdf...
    xmlSchemaFilter XmlSchemaFilter Required A XmlSchemaFilter for the source document. This will be used to determine if a given source document is valid for (can be processed by) this transformer.
      <bean id="dita.transformer.pipeline.map2pdf2" parent="xml.transform.PipelineTransformer.abstract">
        <property name="pipelineDefinition" value="ditaot.pipelineDefinition.pdf-custom" />
        <property name="mediaType" ref="pdf.mediaType" />
        <property name="xmlSchemaFilter" ref="" />
      <bean id="dita.transformer.pipeline.topic2pdf2" parent="xml.transform.PipelineTransformer.abstract">
        <property name="pipelineDefinition" value="ditaot.pipelineDefinition.pdf-custom" />
        <property name="mediaType" ref="pdf.mediaType" />
        <property name="xmlSchemaFilter" ref="dita.schemas.topic" />
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Deploy your files to the application server.
DITA files should now use your custom PDF output for their Document Library previews.